Wave of thefts and robberies continues to Sow Panic in the Parish of Nossa Senhora do Monte

Nova Sintra, October 17, 2023 - A wave of thefts and robberies persists in terrorizing the peaceful Parish of Nossa Senhora do Monte, leaving residents in a state of panic and apprehension.

Oct 17, 2023 - 08:05
Oct 17, 2023 - 08:10
 0  96
Wave of thefts and robberies continues to Sow Panic in the Parish of Nossa Senhora do Monte
Wave of thefts and robberies continues to Sow Panic in the Parish of Nossa Senhora do Monte

In recent weeks, residents of the parish have reported a significant increase in criminal incidents, ranging from petty thefts in homes to robberies involving hooded individuals in broad daylight. The situation has reached alarming levels, leading the community to call for urgent measures from local authorities and to reinforce security in their homes.

Reports from residents paint a worrying picture. According to Joaquim Silva, a long-time resident of Nossa Senhora do Monte Parish, "Before, it was a peaceful and safe place to live. Now, I can barely leave the house without feeling threatened. Criminals are everywhere, and We no longer feel safe even in our own homes.”

Two more cases were registered yesterday, October 16th, when the Mato Community Center, where a bar operates, was invaded by criminals, taking most of the goods belonging to Lucília Rocha.

Another case was that of an individual living in Campo Baixo who was the target of a robbery in the street, when he was approached by hooded criminals who took around 50 thousand shields.

The local police are aware of the situation, but little or nothing has been done yet according to reports from the people who suffered these thefts, and the criminals seem to be one step ahead, avoiding capture and leaving the community increasingly alarmed. To date, no significant arrests have been made in connection with this crime wave.

Bravanews spoke with Alfredo Miranda, one of the victims, who confirmed the robbery, adding that “I was driving to my residence, when halfway there I was surprised by two hooded individuals who stole some valuables that I had with me”.

In the absence of a Police Station in the parish, some time ago, there were police officers on a weekly basis who went to Nossa Senhora do Monte, providing assistance at the old Municipal Delegation, but for more than six months we have not had any police visits”, said one of residents.

Residents are mobilizing to combat the problem, organizing community watch groups and adopting personal safety measures. They hope that these collective efforts can help alleviate the fear that the wave of thefts and robberies has brought to the parish.

As the community comes together to deal with the growing security threat, everyone eagerly awaits effective action from the authorities to restore peace and a sense of security in Nossa Senhora do Monte.